10 Best Classic Sci-Fi Movies of the '50s

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

Are you black and white B-movie buff like me? No? Well, it oughta be! You're missing some great films. Some are so bad they're good, if only for entertainment value. A few good ones are great! Either way we are all classics in my book. Many, many great sci-fi classics came from this decade, far more than 10 No, I had to choose. So, here are some of my favorites.

10 Journey to the Center of the Earth: 1959
This sci-fi adventure follows a team of researchers, (3 men and women) down extinct Icelandic volcano, which leads to the center of the earth. By the way, faced floods, dinosaurs, giant Gila monster and as always, the evil enemy who is trying to stop and / or kill them, so that he can reach the center first.

At a time when women had little power and independence, it was one of the first films to show women as strong and capable team member, not a helpless damsel in distress. This is a great special effects for the time. With major stars like James Mason, Pat Boone and Arlene Dahl, it was the overhead typical sci-fi film a decade. I have not seen the remake.

9 Invaders From Mars: 1953
Scared to be-Jesus out of me the first time I saw him! It begins with young David one night star gazing from his bedroom window. He sees a flying saucer lands in the sand near his home. He runs to alert parents and insists that his father had to go investigate. His father disappears into the sand pit, and not return until the next morning ... but he 'changed' somehow. He sees a scar on the back of his father's neck and realized something had happened to him.

nightmare spreads as well as many local residents are slowly "changing". Nobody believes that David initially, but eventually convinces a lady scientist and a physician that something is very wrong. Together they foil the invasion and save svijet.Mumija as Martians and their disembodied head-in-the-fishbowl, multi-appendaged leaders are particularly 'creepy'. Processing ok, but I liked the best.

8 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: 1954
Visually appealing interpretation of the Jules Verne classic, this film has inspired several movies and remakes of successful TV series. It was the first and only sci-fi film produced by Walt Disney himself, and one of the best of the genre.

to the star cast, including Kirk Douglas, James Mason and Peter Lorre, this is the story of a naval officer and his team who were assigned the task of research disappearances of ships at sea to the "sea monster". Soon discovers 'monster' is actually a submarine as the ship take a sinister, enigmatic Captain Nemo, who has one goal in life is to bring peace to the world destroying everything in the world of war craft. Great adventure and special effects.

7.Stvar (the universe): 1951
Anyone remember the lawman from Gunsmoke, James Arness? Well, this was his first film. On game point, being that crash landed on the frozen Arctic for some time in the distant past. His ship and frozen bodies were discovered by a group of research scientists. They cut it in a block of ice and bring him back to the research station, where he is accidentally thawed out.

soon discovers that is a carnivorous predator when he started killing scientists and feeding on their blood. 'This is a very intelligent and starts sabotaging his research station. Then they learned that the actual "plant" who just looks humanoid. They kill him, but it is 7 feet tall and apparently impervious to all his weapons. Fortunately for them, one of the researchers is a woman who in her feminine wisdom says: "Well ... how to kill the tail ... you can cook!" Ah, people! What would they do without us!

6.Blob: 1958
If you like the Steve McQueen film, this has got to be a favorite. It was one of his first films. He plays a teenager on a date with his girlfriend, when they saw a meteor fall in the forest near the town. On the way to explore, meet a man in trouble with the "sticky point" covers his hands and arms. They put him in the car and take him to the doctor for help.

After that, the doctor, his sister and the old man disappear. Before long, other people begin to disappear. Next thing you know, that goo-ball has grown into a giant wad of rolling Jell-o, it absorbs everything in sight. After seeing this movie, I could sit in the dark theater without constantly looking up in the film room. Again, better than the remake!

5.Fly: 1958
What can I say! This is a story of extreme infection! Film tells the scientists attempt to create a carrier thing, and the experiment that goes horribly awry. On the test machine on himself, aware that he is not alone in the chamber ... until it is too late.

After seeing the film, we ran around our yard every check spider webs for birds with white glavama.Filmske stars Vincent Price and David Hedison. It spawned several sequels and remakes, which are surprisingly good.

4 Creature from the Black Lagoon: 1954
Put the jaws hit the big screen, we were all scared of the water "creature", reptilian look, the man-beast with the Hots for Pretty Woman (Julie Adams), he sees a swim in its domain, the Amazon River. It was love at first sight. He becomes a man-beast on a mission as he tries to catch his lady love. There are two sequels, Revenge of the Creature and the Creature Walks among us ... both equally horrible!

3 Godzilla: 1956
Still the best prehistoric, radiation therapy, breathing dinosaur monster movie ever made. First released as a 1954 Japanese movie called Gojira, it has improved for American release by adding footage starring Raymond Burr and English soundtrack.

Americans were testing bombs in the South Pacific. Now there's a giant radioactive dinosaur rises from the sea and attacked Tokyo. What do you do? After several attacks on the city, a scientist with a very effective 'grenade' saves your day. It has inspired many sequels, including the updated 1998 remake. He loved it too !!

2 The day the Earth stood still: 1951
It is still shown regularly on TV, it was the first "credible" alien from outer space movie. Unlike the recent remake, which is heavy on special effects, original well-written sci-fi drama and focuses more on the story.

Klaatu, an alien ambassador of good will on a mission of peace and its peacekeeper robot Gort, arrive on Earth during the early days of space exploration and nuclear bombs testiranje.Izvanzemaljski Confederation on a punishing violence and aggression among its members, the planets and the Earth belongs to the their region of authority. He brings us the offer, and a warning: The End of our belligerent, violent way, join the association and live, or face destruction of their enforcer robot force


2008 remake is actually a continuation of this great film. Obviously, we did not hear the warning!

And now, the best classic science fiction film 50 -... (drum roll, please)

1 War of the Worlds: 1953
In my opinion, this is the Grand-daddy of all sci-fi films Alien Invasion! Inspiration to many, many movies and TV shows, it is based on the HG Wells sci-fi classic.

It covers three days, during which the world's Martian invasion nearly destroyed čovječanstvo.Invaders went down like a meteor in the boat and begin shaping the Earth Terra-ray Zapping people to the planet. We are helpless to stop them and all seems lost, until they all suddenly died of mysterious infections caused by viruses are immune to.

It had great special effects technology of the time. My favorite scene is when an attacker to send his roving eye 'camera' in the basement of a house where two people, scientists, and a lovely lady (played by Gene Barry and Ann Robinson), take utočište.Znanstvenik chop his head off camera, which comes from foreigners to enter the house to investigate. With their attention focused on what is happening out there, they do not notice him sneaking up behind them. He reaches out and catches her by the shoulders ... Yikes!

I loved the original, but I must admit, the 2005 remake is a terrible way, and definitely has his own?

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